Resources to help you DIG-IN to Depave (Under-Construction)

A to Z steps
in Depaving:

  • What makes a good depaving site

    Identifying issues

    Stormwater and flooding in Chicago

    Heat, air quality, urban forestry

    Soils underneath the pavement

    What is the early design vision for the site

    Who is leading the project vision

  • Gathering information and data

    Soil testing

    Infiltration testing

  • Discussing community interests and needs

    Envisioning the future design together

    Promoting your project

  • Timeline

    Budgeting & budget template


    Regulations and permits

    Design and engineering consultants


  • Preparing for depaving

    Supplies & materials

    Working with volunteers

    Training crew leaders

    Safety & insurance

    Excavation to needed depth

  • Soil delivery and amendments

    Special features


    Maintenance plan


Funding Resources
& Grant opportunities


Local, regional, state funding opportunities for Chicago region

Tools to help with calculations